이 커피로그는 지금까지 먹어본 커피의 추출방법, 노트, 맛, 평점 등을 기록한 것으로 매번 업데이트됩니다.
(The post of my coffee log includes brewing methods, coffee notes, taste, ratings which will update constantly.)
본 글은 접은글로 작성이 되었습니다. 더보기를 눌러 원두 정보를 확인해 주세요!!!
1. Comayagua
① Las Botijas Pacamara Washed
- 지역: Comayagua
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Abel Giron
- 품종(Varity): Pacamara
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1,500m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/Seller): Felt, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium Light
- 권장 레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 300ml(40(B), 100, 100, 60), Total Time 2:00~2:30
ICED: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 190ml(40(B), 50, 50, 50)+ Ice cube 100g, Total Time 2:00
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe/Immersion): Hario switch
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 300ml(60(B)(stir), 240(2:30 stir and on)), Total Time 4:00
ICED: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 185ml(60(B)(stir), 125(2:30 stir and on))+ Ice cube 100g, Total Time 4:30
- Aeropress recipe
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 226ml(30(B)(stir), 166(1:40 stir and press)), Total Time 2:00~3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Raspberry, Grape, Plum
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★☆ (1.5점)
2. El Paraíso
① El Puente Farm Anaerobico
- 지역: El Paraíso, El Puente
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): El Puente Finca
- 품종(Varity): Typica
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1,500m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/Seller): UCC Cafe Mercado, Sapporo, Japan (Winter Speical)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium
- 권장 레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 10g, 95℃ Water 160ml(20(B), 80, 60), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Raspberry, Stewberry, Milk Chocolate, Wine
② El Puente Farm Anaerobico
- 지역: El Paraíso, El Puente
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): La Loma
- 품종(Varity): Prainema
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1,900`2,330m
- 가격(Price): 200g/19,000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/Seller): Peer coffee, Seoul, Korea/Unpecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium (Agtron 69)
- 권장 레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 300ml(50(B), 130, 70, 50), Total Time 2:30
ICED: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 200ml(50(B), 70, 50, 30) + Ice 80g, Total Time 2:45
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Cranberry, Lemon tea, Maple syrup, Caramel
3. Ocotepeque
① Moises Hidardo Hernandez
- 지역: Mercedes Municipality
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Delmy Hernandez
- 품종(Varity): Catuai
- 가공(Processing): Anaerobid Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 1,300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/490(MYR)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/Seller): 103 Coffee, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium
- 권장 레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18g, 94℃ Water 270ml(40(B), 120, 110), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Grape, Peach, Chocolate
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