본 로그는 지금까지 먹어본 커피의 추출방법, 노트, 맛, 평점 등을 기록한 것으로 매번 업데이트 됩니다.
(The post of my coffee log includes brewing method, coffee notes, taste, ratings which will update constantly.)
1. San Jose
① Santa Teresa Pacamara Semi-Washed
- 지역: Tarrazu
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Santa Teresa 2000
- 품종(Varity): Pacamara
- 가공(Processing): Semi-Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 2000m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Black road coffee
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe):
HOT: Coffee 18g, 93℃ Water. 270ml(30(B), 100, 80, 60), Total Time 2:10~2:20
ICED: Coffee 18g, 93℃ Water. 200ml(30(B), 50, 60, 60)+ Ice cube 200g, Total Time 2:00~2:20
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Cedar, Cherry, Black tea, Sugarcane
- 평가(Rating)
② Finca La Guaira Yellow Honey SHB
- 지역: Tarrazu
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Finca La Guaria
- 품종(Varity): Catuai, Caturra
- 가공(Processing): Yellow Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 15,00~1,700m
- 가격(Price): 200g/13,500원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): CUSP Brooklyn, NY (Seoul Branch)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe):
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93℃ Water. 240ml(40(B),120, 80), Total Time 2:10~2:20
ICED: Coffee 16g, 93℃ Water. 200ml(40(B), 100, 60)+ Ice cube 200g, Total Time 2:00~2:20
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Coconut, Grapefruit, Macadamia
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★(1점)
ICED: ★(1점)
아내 - Hot: ★(1점)
ICED: ★(1점)
③ Don Joel Kenia White Honey
- 지역: Western Valley
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Luis Don Joel
- 품종(Varity): Kenia
- 가공(Processing): White Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 1,600m
- 가격(Price): 100g/14,580원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Pastel Coffee Works (Seoul, Korea)/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water. 280ml(30(B),100, 100, 50), Total Time 2:30~3:00
ICED: Coffee 19g, 92℃ Water. 160ml(40(B), 60, 60)+ Ice cube 60g, Total Time 2:00~2:20
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): Hario Switch (Immersion brew)
HOT: Coffee 16.5g, 92℃ Water. 210ml(one pour), Total Time 2:30~3:00 (1:40 stir)
ICED: Coffee 19g, 92℃ Water. 160ml(one pour), Total Time 2:30~3:00 (1:40 stir)
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Green Harb, Floral, Lemon Ice-Tea, White Peach, Sugary, Clean
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★★(3점)
ICED: ★★(2점)
아내 - Hot: ★★★(3점)
ICED: ★★★(3점)
④ Finca Joyce SL28 Gold Honey Auction Lot
- 지역: Santa Maria de Dota, Tarrazu
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Joyce Calderon Martinez/Granitos Altura De Ortiz
- 품종(Varity): SL28
- 가공(Processing): Gold Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 1,900m
- 가격(Price): 210g/20,000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Center Coffee, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 16g, 95℃, Water 250ml(40(B), 110, 100), Total Time 2:10~2:15
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 70g + Water 180ml(50(B), 35, 95), Total Time 1:40
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Origami Dripper
HOT: Coffee 16g, 95℃, Water 250ml(60(B), 140, 45), Total Time 1:55~2:00
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 80g + Water 180ml(40(B), 80, 60), Total Time 1:55~2:00
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Hario Switch
HOT: Coffee 18g, 94℃, Water 280ml(60(B), 220), Total Time 2:00~2:30
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 80g + Water 180ml(60(B), 120), Total Time 2:00~2:10
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Aeropress
HOT: Coffee 17g, 92℃, Water 200ml(200), Total Time 2:00
ICED: Coffee 20g, 92℃, Ice 100g + Water 100ml(100), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Orange Peel, Raisin, Maple Syrup
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★(1점)
아내 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★★(2점)
⑤ Monte Copey Tierra Prometida Natural
- 지역: San José, San Isidro de El General
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Tierra Prometida/Enrique Navarro Porras und Familie
- 품종(Varity): Catuai
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,900-2,000m
- 가격(Price): 200g/2,808(yen)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Marumi Coffee, Sapporo, Japan
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 16g, 90℃, Water 260ml(50(B), 210), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Black berry, Plum, Dark Chocolate
2. Alajuela
① La Isla Villa Sarchi Yellow Honey
- 지역: Naranjo
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Abuelo's Family
- 품종(Varity): Villa Sarchi
- 가공(Processing): Yellow Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 1,560m
- 가격(Price): 200g/14,400원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Felt coffee/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 300ml(40(B), 100, 100, 60), Total Time 2:00~2:30
ICED: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 190ml(40(B), 50, 50, 50)+ Ice cube 100g, Total Time 2:00
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe/Immersion): Hario switch
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 300ml(60(B)(stir), 240(2:30 stir and on)), Total Time 4:00
ICED: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 185ml(60(B)(stir), 125(2:30 stir and on))+ Ice cube 100g, Total Time 4:30
- Aeropress recipe
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 95℃ Water. 226ml(30(B)(stir), 166(1:40 stir and press)), Total Time 2:00~3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Vanilla, Toffee, Pear
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot ★☆ (1.5)
ICED ★☆ (1.5)
아내 - Hot ★★(2)
ICED ★★ (2)
② Vista al Gidel Villa Sarchi Natural
- 지역: Sarchi, West Valley
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): West valley, Fidel
- 품종(Varity): Villa Sarchi
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,650m
- 가격(Price): 200g/21,600원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Signature Roasters/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light/Agtron 82.3
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Corn Filter
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 93~94℃ Water. 286~288ml(38~40(B), 80, 70, 45, 45), Total Time 2:00 ~ 2:30
ICED: Coffee 24g, 93~94℃ Water. 160ml(40(B), 140) + Ice 150ml, Total Time 2:00
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Flat-bed Filter
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93~94℃ Water. 235ml(35(B), 75, 70, 55), Total Time 2:30~3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Red Apple, Prune, Nougat, Hazelnut
③ Genesis Centroamericano Yellow Hoeny
- 지역: Lourdes, West Valley
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Genesis/Oscar Mendez & Family
- 품종(Varity): Centroamericano
- 가공(Processing): Yellow Honey
- 고도(Altitude): 1,650 - 1,700m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Standard Square/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 20+5g, 94℃ Water. 160ml(50(B), 50, 60) + Bypass 100ml, Total Time 2:00
ICED: Coffee 20+5g, 94℃ Water. 160ml(50(B), 50, 60) + Ice 150ml, Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Green Apple, Plum, Grapefruit, Dalgona(달고나), Macadamias, Rice Malt Syrup(조청)
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