본 로그는 지금까지 먹어본 커피의 추출방법, 노트, 맛, 평점 등을 기록한 것으로 매번 업데이트 됩니다.
(The post of my coffee log includes brewing methods, coffee notes, taste, ratings which will update constantly.)
본 글은 접은글로 작성이 되었습니다. 더보기를 눌러 원두 정보를 확인해 주세요!!!
1. Cerrado Area
① Brazil Sunset Natural
- 지역: Cerrado
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Daterra
- 품종(Varity): Various
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,200m
- 가격(Price): 200g/13,500원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): The Barn Berlin, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light roast
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT:Coffee 16~17g, Water 90~93℃ 245ml(40(B), 120, 85), Total Time 3:00
ICED: Coffee 17~18g, Water 90~93℃ 200ml(40(B), 100, 60), Total Time 3:00
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): Hario Switch
HOT: Coffee 15g, Water 93℃ 240ml(50(B), 190), Total Time 3:00 + Drain 1:00
ICED: Coffee 17g, Water 93℃ 180 + Ice 80g(180), Total Time 3:00 + Drain 1:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Pistachio, Grapefruit, Creamy
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
나 - Hot: ★☆(1.5점)
ICED: ★(1점)
아내 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★★(2점)
2. Minas Gerais
① Campo Alegre Anaerobic
- 지역: Santo Antônio do Amparo
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Campo alegre
- 품종(Varity): Yellow Catuai
- 가공(Processing): Anaerobic natural with yeast
- 고도(Altitude): 950~1,200m
- 가격(Price): 200g/15,000원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Peer coffee, Seoul, Korea/Unpecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium light, Agtron 75
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 300ml(50(B), 130, 70, 50), Total Time 2:30
ICED: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 200ml(50(B), 70, 50, 30) + Ice 80g, Total Time 2:45
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Sada, Dried herb, Winy, Spicy
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
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