최.영.수.: 최신 연구로 살펴보는 영어교육과 수업
연구없이는 좋은 수업을 만들 수 없다. 최신 영어교육 연구와 수업의 이슈를 살펴보는 최.영.수.입니다. 시즌 2로 돌아왔습니다. 시즌 1을 바탕으로 조금 더 알차게 논문을 리뷰하고 적용하는 방
최영수: 최신 연구로 살펴보는 영어수업 솔루션 (by 최.영.수)
연구없이는 좋은 수업을 만들 수 없다. 최신 영어교육 연구와 수업의 이슈를 살펴보는 최영수입니다. 영어교육 전공자 3명이 사이틀의 주제에 맞는 논문을 분석하고, 논문 내용을 수업과 학교에
본 포스팅은 11월 17/24일에 나갈 팟캐스트의 논문 요약본으로 사용될 예정입니다.
Investigating L2 Teacher-Student Writing Conferences in a College ESL Composition Classroom
Author: YiBoon Chang
(1) 연구 배경
The interactional features of L2 classroom-based writing conference has been surprisingly under-researched compared to its pervasive use in practice and extensive research on L1 writing conference.
Negotiation in writing conference has been distinguished from that of traditional classroom discourse in terms of its more collaborative and equalized interpersonal tutor/teacher-tutee/student relationships.
(2) 연구 문제
How is classroom based L2 writing conference characterized in terms of discourse topics and interactional features of negotiation and scaffolding?
How do the interactional features interact with making meaning and student subsequent revision?
(3) 연구 방법
a. 연구 참여자
- 교사 한 명: 박사과정 학생 (from South Korea)
- 4명의 대학교 1학년 학생 - intermediate Level ESL 작문 코스 수강생 (미국 대학)
Course의 목적은 학술 작문 능력 개선/향상
- 4개의 Writing aasignments
1) summary of non-fiction
2) summary of fiction
3) critical review of fiction
4) comparative critical review of non-fiction. The
b. 데이터 수집
- 4개의 과제 중 2,3번만 연구의 Date로 사용함
2) summary of fiction - 한 문단 (70-100자)
3) critical review of fiction - 여러 문단 (600-1000자)
- 학생당 2번의 writing coference 진행 (녹화)
c. 데이터 분석
- 8번의 writing conference (234분 51초)
The 8 video-aped conference sessions (in 234 min. and 51 sec. total) were transcribed orthographically along with speech features such as overlaps, intonation, and volume changes, following the transcription symbols.
The transcribed data were analyzed at three levels of units from the smallest to the largest, move, exchange, and sequence, following the approach of Haneda (2004). (move에 대하여는 조금 다른 게 정의하고 있음 - AS unit으로)
- LRE (Language Related Episodes)
LREs are defined as “any part of the dialogue where learners talk about the language they produced, and reflect on their language use” mediating language learning in this study. (학습자들이 자신이 만들어낸 작문을 이야기하는 것을 분석) 여기서 Exchange는 2가지 Negoitation과 Scaffolding으로 분석
- Sequences were identified by discourse topics of student problems as either language use or content/rhetoric topics.
(4) 연구 결과
a. Distribution of discourse topics
- Types of writing tasks play ed a s ign ificant role in the configuration of conference interactions when the same teacher and student engaged in multiple writing conferences about different tasks.
b. Interactional features of negotiation and scaffolding
c. Negotiation-scaffolding interface interaction
The current writing conference interactions were featured by extensive (scaffolding-) negotiation-scaffolding sequences, which contributed to resolving student problems and successful subsequent revisions, as suggested by Ewert (2009).
d. Non-negotiated scaffolding interactions
Unlike the apparent languaging in the negotiation-scaffolding interface interactions, some conference interactions did not reveal tangible languaging in non-negotiated scaffolding interactions but resulted in successful revisions. (2가지 이유 - 1 teacher's demonstration, 2 teacher's instruction)
e. Extensively-negotiated but problem-unresolving interactions
As opposed to frequent successful revisions with extensive negotiation exchanges in the present data, some extensive negotiation did not lead to successful revisions or successful meaning making.
The significance of these findings is twofold. First, the nature of classroom-based L2 writing conferences was better manifested in this study by incorporating the notion of languaging.
Second, the findings helped to better understand dialogic features of L2 classroom-based writing conference interactions.
최. 영. 수. 에서 다뤄볼 내용
1. 무언가 동떨어져 있는 연구???
2. Languaging 이란?
3. Interaction Hypothesis란?
1. Writing Conference라는 수업 소개 (고교학점제와 연결?)
- 미국 글쓰기 문화와 한국 글쓰기 문화의 차이점
2. 결과물 평가가 아닌 오히려 과정 중심 평가에 맞는 수업
3. Speaking으로 Writing을???
4. Writing Conference에서 교사와 튜터의 역할
제가 이해하고. 해본 요리를 포스팅으로 남깁니다.
만일 레시피나 더 좋은 방법이 있거나 문제가 있으시면 댓글로 남겨주세요.