최.영.수.: 최신 연구로 살펴보는 영어교육과 수업
연구없이는 좋은 수업을 만들 수 없다. 최신 영어교육 연구와 수업의 이슈를 살펴보는 최.영.수.입니다. 시즌 2로 돌아왔습니다. 시즌 1을 바탕으로 조금 더 알차게 논문을 리뷰하고 적용하는 방
최영수: 최신 연구로 살펴보는 영어수업 솔루션 (by 최.영.수)
연구없이는 좋은 수업을 만들 수 없다. 최신 영어교육 연구와 수업의 이슈를 살펴보는 최영수입니다. 영어교육 전공자 3명이 사이틀의 주제에 맞는 논문을 분석하고, 논문 내용을 수업과 학교에
본 포스팅은 10월 20일에 나갈 팟캐스트의 논문 요약본으로 사용될 예정입니다.
The Role of Accessibility of Word Knowledge in L2 Reading Comprehension
Author: Yunjeong Choi
(1) 연구 배경
Availability refers to whether or not one actually has word knowledge previously defined in their mental lexicon.
Accessibility refers to such efficiency to activate the knowledge available.
Schmit (2010b) “meaning construction is impaired and the overall flow of the text cannot be understood” This indicates that accessibility of word knowledge has a potential working as another key factor influencing reading comprehension, on top of availability of word knowledge.However, little research has addressed the concept of learners’ efficiency of accessing those dimensions of knowledge, not to mention how it functions in reading comprehension. To fill this gap, the current study thus looks into the relationships between word knowledge and reading comprehension in the Korean EFL context, with a particular focus on accessibility of word knowledge.
(2) 연구 질문
(1) How do Korean EFL learners’ availability and accessibility of word knowledge and reading comprehension correlate with one another?
(2) Does accessibility of word knowledge uniquely predict reading comprehension, over and above availability of word knowledge?
(3) If yes, between accessibility of knowledge of word meanings and word meaning relations, which has relatively stronger predictive power for Korean EFL learners’ reading comprehension, when controlling for each other?
(3) 연구 방법
a. 참여자
115명 여자 고등학교 2학년
b. 실험도구
Availability of Knowledge of word meaning(KWM) - Nation & Beglar (2007): Vocabulary Size Test
Test for vocabulary breath
Availability of Knowledge of word meaning relations(KWMR) - Read (1998) Word Associates Test
Test for vocabulary depth(Paradigmatic associates test(PAT) + Syntagmatic associates test(SAT))
Accessibility of Knowledge of word meaning(KWM) - By using Paradigm Stimulus Presentation (2007)
Computer-based lexical decision test (CLDT) - vocabulary가 존재하는지 않하는지 Test
Accessibility of Knowledge of word meaning relations(KWMR) Computer-based PAT and SAT
Reading Comprehension - Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test(GMRT)
(4) 연구 결과
(1) Measures for accessibility of word knowledge were significantly associated with measures for availability of word knowledge and reading comprehension. However, accessibility of KWM (measured by CLDT) did not relate to availability of KWM (measured by VST) and reading comprehension.
(2) Accessibility of word knowledge made a unique contribution to explaining reading comprehension, over and above self-reported English language proficiency and availability of word knowledge.
(3) Between accessibility of KWM and KWMR, accessibility of KWMR had a stronger predictive power in explaining reading comprehension when other effects were accounted for.
최.영.수.에서 다뤄볼 내용
1. 어휘 연구에 대한 이야기
2. 연구필요한 도구, 테스트를 만들 때 주의할 점
1. 단순한 Vocabualry의 능력을 다각적으로 평가해야한다.
2. 수업에서 Depth와 Breath를 같이 가르쳐야 한다.
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