이 커피로그는 지금까지 먹어본 커피의 추출방법, 노트, 맛, 평점 등을 기록한 것으로 매번 업데이트됩니다.
(The post of my coffee log includes brewing methods, coffee notes, taste, ratings which will update constantly.)
본 글은 접은글로 작성이 되었습니다. 더보기를 눌러 원두 정보를 확인해 주세요!!!
1. Sidama Region
① Duwnacho Natural
- 지역: Karamo, Bensa, Sidama
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): 미표기 (N/A)
- 품종(Varity): 74158
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 2,000~2,300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/19,800원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Lowkey, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light roast
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 21g, Water 140ml + Bypass 100ml(30(B), 50, 30, 30), Total Time 2:00
ICED: Coffee 21g, Water 140ml + Bypass 10ml(30(B), 50, 30, 30), Total time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Raspberry, White flower, Syrupy, Juicy, Subtle, Long finish
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
나 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
② Arbegona Natural
- 지역: Arbegona, Sidama
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): 미표기 (N/A)
- 품종(Varity): 74110, 74158
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,995~2,300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/19,800원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Lowkey, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light roast
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 21g, Water 140ml + Bypass 100ml(30(B), 50, 30, 30), Total Time 2:00
ICED: Coffee 21g, Water 140ml + Bypass 10ml(30(B), 50, 30, 30), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Floral, Lychee, Plum, Syrupy, Juicy, Complex
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
나 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
②-1 Muntasha Legese Lot Natural
- 지역: Arbegona, Sidama, Bursa
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Muntasha/ Legese
- 품종(Varity): 74158
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 2,200~2,400m
- 가격(Price): 200g/24,000원(won)
- 로스터리/셀러(Roastery/Seller): Ginosko, Songdo, Incheon, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light roast
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 20g, Water 280ml (50(B), 50, 80, 100ml), Total brew 3:00~3:15
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Cotton Candy, Passion Furit, Black tea, Mixed berry
- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
나 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
③ Twakok Selection Washed
- 지역: Sidama, Bona Zuria Woreda
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Twakok Selection/ N/A
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 2,000m
- 가격(Price): 210g/14,400원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Center Coffee, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Midium Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 16g, 95℃, Water 250ml(40(B), 110, 100), Total Time 2:10~2:15
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 70g + Water 180ml(50(B), 35, 95), Total Time 1:40
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Origami Dripper
HOT: Coffee 16g, 95℃, Water 250ml(60(B), 140, 45), Total Time 1:55~2:00
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 80g + Water 180ml(40(B), 80, 60), Total Time 1:55~2:00
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Hario Switch
HOT: Coffee 18g, 94℃, Water 280ml(60(B), 220), Total Time 2:00~2:30
ICED: Coffee 18g, 96℃, Ice 80g + Water 180ml(60(B), 120), Total Time 2:00~2:10
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Aeropress
HOT: Coffee 17g, 92℃, Water 200ml(200), Total Time 2:00
ICED: Coffee 20g, 92℃, Ice 100g + Water 100ml(100), Total Time 2:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note):
Mandarin, Peach, Honey- 평가(Rating): 5점 만점
나 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
④ Dalecha Natural
- 지역: Dalecha, Sidama
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): N/A
- 품종(Varity): 74158
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 2,250-2,300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Signature Roasters/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light/Agtron 86
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Corn Filter
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 93~94℃ Water. 286~288ml(38~40(B), 80, 70, 45, 45), Total Time 2:00 ~ 2:30
ICED: Coffee 24g, 93~94℃ Water. 160ml(40(B), 140) + Ice 150ml, Total Time 2:00
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Flat-bed Filter
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93~94℃ Water. 235ml(35(B), 75, 70, 55), Total Time 2:30~3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Blueberry, Red Apple, Prune, Raspberry
⑤ 2024 World Champion Series: Berg Wu Selection G1 Natural
- 지역: Karamo, Bensa, Sidama
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Sidama Zone
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 2,000~2,300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/19,000원(won)
- 로스터리(Roastery): Peer, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light (Agtron 80)
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 300ml(50(B), 130, 70, 50), Total Time 2:30
ICED: Coffee 18g, 92℃ Water 200ml(50(B), 70, 50, 30) + Ice 80g, Total Time 2:45
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Mandarin Bergamot, Apricot, Grape
⑥ 2024 World Champion Series: Berg Wu Selection G1 Natural
- 지역: Karamo, Bensa, Sidama
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Tamiru Tadessa
- 품종(Varity): 74158 peaberry
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 2,380m
- 가격(Price): 200g/500(MYR)
- 로스터리(Roastery): One Half Coffee Roastery, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 15g, 95℃ Water 225ml(45(B), 90, 45, 45), Total Time 2:15
- 컵노트(Cup Note): rose, white grape, peach, oolong tea
2. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples's Region(SNNPR)
① Gedeb Worka Chelchelie Anaerobic
- 지역: Gedeb, Worka
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Chelchelie washing station
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Anaerobic
- 고도(Altitude): 1945-1970m
- 가격(Price): 150g/¥3,000
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Glitch Coffee & Roasters, Osaka, Japan
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 15g, 90℃ Water 260ml (70(B + stir 5 times), 140, 50), Total Time 2:30
ICED: 미표기(N/A)
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): V60
ICED: Coffee 16g, 90℃ Water 192ml (70(B + stir 5 times), 50, 60), Total Time 2:30
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Floral, Chocolate, Cranberry, Lafrace, Mango, Rum, Sherry, Longafter
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★☆(2.5점)
ICED: ★★☆(2.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★★(3점)
ICED: ★★★(3점)
② Gedeb Banko Gotiti(Lot1) G1 Washed
- 지역: Banko gotiti Keebler, Gedeb Woreda
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): N/A/Banko Gotiti
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1950~2300m
- 가격(Price): 100g/7000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Blackroad coffee, Daegu, Korea
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium-Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 15g, 92℃ Water 230~240ml(30~40(B), 50, 50, 50, 50)
ICED: 미표기(N/A)
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): V60
HOT:Coffee 20g, 92℃ Water 280(50(B), 115, 115), Total Time 2:30
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Jasmine, Bergamot, Peach
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★(1점)
아내 - Hot: ★★★(3점)
③ Yirgacheffe Kochere G2
- 지역: Kochere Woreda
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): N/A
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Fully Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1950~2300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/13,000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Cafe Zamer, Seoul, Korea
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium (city)
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93℃ Water 240ml(40(B), 120, 80)
ICED: Coffee 17g, 93℃ Water 200ml(40(B), 60, 70, 30) + Ice 60g
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): Hario Switch
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93℃ Water 240ml(40(B), 160, 40), Total Time 2:30
ICED: Coffee 17g, 93℃ Water 230ml(30(B), 200) + Ice 40g
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Jasmine, Apricot, Lemon Tea, Milk Chodolate
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★(1점)
아내 - Hot: ★★★(3점)
④ Aricha Amy ' Moonkyu Selection'
- 지역: Yigra Cheffe
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): N/A
- 품종(Varity): Kurume
- 가공(Processing): Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,900~2,250m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Signature Roasters/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light/Agtron 88
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Corn Filter
HOT: Coffee 18.5g, 93~94℃ Water. 286~288ml(38~40(B), 80, 70, 45, 45), Total Time 2:00 ~ 2:30
ICED: Coffee 24g, 93~94℃ Water. 160ml(40(B), 140) + Ice 150ml, Total Time 2:00
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Flat-bed Filter
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93~94℃ Water. 235ml(35(B), 75, 70, 55), Total Time 2:30~3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Strawberry, Cranberry, Lavender, Juicy
⑤ Oma Geisha Anaerobic G1
- 지역: Oma, Gesha Village
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Benchi Maji Tesfaidetl
- 품종(Varity): Geisha
- 가공(Processing): Super Natural Based Anaerobic
- 고도(Altitude): 1,650~2,100m
- 가격(Price): 100g/17,000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): YM Coffee Project, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium/Agtron 69
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Melitta coffee dripper
HOT: Coffee 20g, 89℃ Water. 260ml(30(B), 60, 60, 60, 50), Total Time 2:20 ~ 2:30
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Kalita Dripper
ICED: Coffee 28g, 89℃ Water. 240ml(30(B), 70, 70, 70) + Ice 150g, Total Time 2:00~2:30
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Hario V60
ICED: Coffee 20g, 89℃ Water. 200ml(30(B with stir), 90, 80), Total Time 2:00~2:10
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Red Wine, Aged Red Wine, Strawberry Candy, Grape
⑥ Gedeb Banko Gotiti Washed
- 지역: Yirgacheffe, Gedeb Woreda
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Local Farmers
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1950~2300m
- 가격(Price): 200g/16,200원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): Bean Brothers, Seoul, Korea
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light (Agtron 82)
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 20g, 93℃ Water 300ml(60(B), 140, 120), Total Time 3:00
ICED: Coffee 20g, 93℃ Water 200ml(60(B), 80, 60), Total Time 3:00
- 컵노트(Cup Note): White Peach, Green Tanderine, White Tea
3. Oromia Region
① Nano Challa Wahsed
- 지역: Gera, West Oromia
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Nano Challa C.
- 품종(Varity): Mixed Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Washed
- 고도(Altitude): 1,900~2,000m
- 가격(Price): 200g/17,550원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): The BarnCoffee Roasters Berlin, Korea/Unspecialty
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Light
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): V60
HOT: Coffee 16~17g, 90~93℃ Water 240~245ml(40(B), 120, 85), 3min
ICED: Coffee 17~18g, 90~93℃ Water 200~216ml(40(B), 90, 70), 2min30sec
- 변형레시피(Alternative Recipe): Hario Switch
HOT: Coffee 16g, 93℃ Water 240ml(50(B),190), 3min +1min Drain
ICED: Coffee 19g, 93℃ Water 250ml(250 water first, coffee later), 4min + 1min Drain
- 컵노트(Cup Note): Lemonade, Lemongrass, Elegant
- 평가(Rating)
나 - Hot: ★★(2점)
ICED: ★☆(1.5점)
아내 - Hot: ★★★☆(3.5점)
ICED: ★★★(3점)
② Sidamo G1 Bombe Wine Natural
- 지역: Bombe, Bensa, Sidamo
- 농장/농부(Farm/Farmer): Bombe, Bensa, Sidamo
- 품종(Varity): Heirloom
- 가공(Processing): Wine Natural
- 고도(Altitude): 1,860~1,990m
- 가격(Price): 200g/18,000원(won)
- 로스터리/판매자(Roastery/셀러): YM Coffee Project, Seoul, Korea/Unspecialty(언스페셜티)
- 배전도(Roast Degree): Medium/Agtron 67
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Melitta coffee dripper
HOT: Coffee 20g, 89℃ Water. 260ml(30(B), 60, 60, 60, 50), Total Time 2:20 ~ 2:30
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Kalita Dripper
ICED: Coffee 28g, 89℃ Water. 240ml(30(B), 70, 70, 70) + Ice 150g, Total Time 2:00~2:30
- 권장레시피(Recommended Recipe): Hario V60
ICED: Coffee 20g, 89℃ Water. 200ml(30(B with stir), 90, 80), Total Time 2:00~2:10
- 컵노트(Cup Note): The scent of a flower, Blackberry, Grape, Dried Plum, Red Wine
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