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Jack Reacher series(잭 리처 시리즈) - Blue Moon (2019) (7) - Restrain, Obediently, Oblivious (영어표현) 이제 쳅터 2입니다. 지난 쳅터에서는 2 범죄조직의 수장들의 미팅을 보았고 Jack Reacher는 버스를 타고 도시로 들어오고 있습니다. The guy with the money knew where he was going. That was clear. He didn’t glance around to get his bearings. He just stepped through the depot door and turned east and set out walking. No hesitation. But no speed either. He trudged along slow. He looked a little unsteady. His shoulders were slumped. He looked old and t.. 2020. 11. 16.
Jack Reacher series(잭 리처 시리즈) - Blue Moon (2019) (5) - Reliability, For the sake of something/somebody, Dead (영어표현) 드디어 이번 포스팅에서 주인공 Reacher가 나옵니다. ㅋㅋ 오래 걸림 At that same moment Jack Reacher was seventy miles away, in a Greyhound bus, on the interstate highway. He was on the left side of the vehicle, towards the rear, in the window seat over the axle. There was no one next to him. Altogether there were twenty-nine other passengers. The usual mixture. Nothing special. Except for one particular situation, which .. 2020. 11. 1.
Jack Reacher series(잭 리처 시리즈) - Blue Moon (2019), (1) - Polite, Otherwise, Duck, Suite of offices, Unprovoked (영어표현) ONE The city looked small on a map of America. It was just a tiny polite dot, near a red threadlike road that ran across an otherwise empty half inch of paper. But up close and on the ground it had half a million people. It covered more than a hundred square miles. It had nearly a hundred and fifty thousand households. It had more than two thousand acres of parkland. It spent half a billion doll.. 2020. 1. 4.